14 Mayıs 2020 Perşembe

Review: Zoom Security Issues

I will be reviewing the paper written by Norman Garder on the Topic "Zoom and its Security Issues". If we think about the period we're witnessing right now(Spring 2020), I think that it is very clever to address this issue.

The topic is described well, It leaves the uninformed reader with enough information which make the person understand what Zoom is and the measures they've taken in order to win over the market at the start of the pandemic before taking topics like the Security Problems Zoom had as the continued headers.

I found the "Zoom`s issues with encryption" part very detailed and instructive that I can say that anyone, with a need for information about this heading, will most likely get what they want. All of the paper is balanced well on not boring the reader with too detailed parts.

The Logic of structure is have been thought adequately. Reading the paper did not cause me any zone-outs thanks to the arrangement.

Although if I wanted to see the sources of referenced parts while reading the paper, I have to find them myself due to the insufficiency of linking quotations.

You can reach the reviewed paper from HERE.

Hi! I'm about to kill your friend. Can you tell me where he is, please?

Why is it ethical to tell your friend's location to the murderer according to Kant?

The dilemma or case study we are discussing here is about the “right to lie for benevolence” that gained popularity with Kant. According to Kant, although some philosophers saw telling the truth as a virtue, they argued that in exceptional cases the subject has “right to lie”. To them, these exceptions included giving the murder suspect a friend who took refuge in your home. Because the truth can only be told to those who “have the right to know the truth”. If a person aims to harm others, he has no right to know the truth.

It is useful to put forward Kant's critique of the idea of “having the right to know the truth”. According to Kant, such an attitude makes the right to say the truth depends on one's own will, which makes the "right to know the truth" subjective from the very beginning. However, "search for objectivity" lies at the heart of Kant's understanding of ethics.
Rather than morality that varies according to our experience, it contains codes that require the same behavior in all circumstances. The main purpose is to stick to the laws guided by reason, with no exceptions. In the eyes of Kant, if telling the truth is a law of mind, or a responsibility, in some cases, lying is a "mistake" against humanity and honesty. In this case, according to Kant, it is ethical to tell the murder suspect the truth.

That was how Kant understands the ethics/morals from his view. But I sincerely don't think that his vision of ethics is the way to go for me. Because the world we live in, is full of exceptions.

10 Mayıs 2020 Pazar

A Different Kind of IT (week 8)

Video games take a big place in our lives, without regarding age or occupation. Not even being handicapped. "If a person has control over any function, it can also be used to control the computer". And the computer will be video game consoles in my case.
Special Game Console Controllers
We use video game controllers to play games on consoles such as PlayStation and Xbox. And as you know, by the design, they have at least 2 joysticks and lots of buttons on each side of a controller. What if, the gamer is handicapped on one of her/his hands?
An American man who lost one of his limbs in Iraq contacted “Ben Heck”, requesting for a “Single Handed Controller” so he can continue playing video games.
This was one of his first designs that only modifies the original controller itself which he changes the location of the joystick to be controlled by the person's leg, front and rear buttons to the other side of the controller.

Then, after years and with 3D printers being more accessible for almost everyone, He made another model from scratch.
These can be built for left hand too.
The point is, just like the topic today, If a person has control over any function, he/she should be able to use it to control the computer.

Here's an Easter egg:
Michael Reeves's mind control car

8 Mayıs 2020 Cuma

GDPR With the Aspects of Other Data Protection Laws
Why We Need Them